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Ventilation Tube Treatment

Ventilation Tube Treatment in Istanbul

Ventilation tube treatment, which involves surgically inserting small hollow cylinders into the eardrum, allows the middle ear to drain and air to circulate into the middle ear while preventing fluid from building behind the eardrum. Metal or plastic ventilation tubes are most commonly used.

Ventilation tubes,

  • tympanostomy tubes,
  • ear tubes,
  • myringotomy tubes, and
  • pressure equalization tubes are all examples of tubes.

Ventilation tubes are typically advised for children who have a persistent buildup of fluid behind the eardrum, particularly if this is causing hearing loss or impairing speech development. If your child has repeated ear infections, your doctor may also propose ventilation tubes.

How does a ventilation tube leave the body?

The majority of ear tubes fall out on their own after 4 to 18 months, and the holes seal on their own. Some tubes may need to be removed, and certain holes may require surgical closure.

When should a ventilation tube be used?

A ventilation tube is used to treat and prevent middle ear fluid buildup.

The middle ear is the region behind the eardrum that contains three vibrating tiny bones. The middle ear has an aperture that leads to a tube (Eustachian tube) that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat. This tube serves three purposes:

  1. To balance the pressure in the middle ear.
  2. Allowing fresh air into the middle ear
  3. It allows fluids from the middle ear to flow into the throat.

The Eustachian tube is small, flexible, and typically horizontal in young children. These features may cause the tube to malfunction or become clogged.

Tympanum Issues

Conditions that can be addressed with ventilation tubes have two interconnected characteristics:

  • Inflammation (otitis media)
  • a buildup of fluid (effusion)

The following conditions may benefit from the use of ventilation tubes.

Otitis media with effusion

A bacterial or viral infection of the middle ear. The infection has caused edema and moisture in the middle ear. To avoid new infections, ventilation tubes might be utilized. If your kid has three or more episodes of infection in six months or four or more episodes in a year, your doctor may advise you to use these tubes.

Infection of the tympanum with effusion

Otitis media with effusion is a fluid buildup without signs or symptoms of infection. This can be caused by chronic fluid following an illness, issues with the eustachian tubes, or another ailment that prevents drainage. Fluids can impair hearing and cause balance issues. Ventilation tubes are particularly significant if hearing loss is causing delayed language development, other academic impairments, poor school performance, or behavioral issues.

Chronic Tympanum Infection

Persistent middle ear infection, a bacterial infection that is resistant to antibiotics. A ventilation tube may be inserted to empty the ear and allow antibiotic drops to reach the middle ear directly.

Chronic Medial Suppurative Otitis

It is a chronic otitis media that causes eardrum rupture and continuous drainage. A blockage of the Eustachian tube or an ear injury can both cause the illness. The ventilation tube facilitates drainage following surgical eardrum repair and direct therapy with ear drops.

Structure of the inner ear

The middle ear is made up of three little bones: the malleus, incus, and stapes. The eardrum separates the middle ear from the outer ear, and the Eustachian tube connects it to the back of your nose and throat.

How a Ventilation Tube Used?

Ear ventilation tubes (also known as tympanic ventilation devices or pressure equalization tubes) are small cylinders that are surgically placed into the eardrum. The ventilation tube generates an air route that ventilates the middle ear and keeps fluid from building up behind the eardrum.


The insertion of an ear tube is a relatively safe technique with a low risk of major consequences. Among the potential hazards are

  • Bleeding and infection
  • Continuous fluid drainage
  • Tubes that have become blocked with blood, mucus, or other secretions
  • Scarring or eardrum weakening
  • Tubes that leave too soon or stay in too long Failure of the eardrum to shut after the tube has been lowered or removed


General anesthesia is frequently required for ventilation tube installation operations. Although the dangers of anesthesia are quite low in healthy people, potential complications include

  • Following the surgery, you may experience nausea or vomiting.
  • Having trouble breathing
  • Allergic reactivity
  • Heartbeat irregularity

What Should I Do to Prepare for Surgery?

Our clinic will provide you with guidance on how to prepare your patient for the surgery to place the ear tubes.

  • All of your regular meds
  • Personal or familial history of anesthetic reactions
  • Antibiotics, for example, are known to cause allergies or other unpleasant responses.

Questions to ask your doctor include:

  • When should the patient stop eating?
  • What drugs is my patient allowed to take before surgery?
  • When should we plan to visit the clinic?
  • Where should we make our reservation?
  • What is the predicted time of recovery?

Here are some pointers to help your patient prepare:

Begin discussing the surgery a few days before the procedure.

Say that the surgery will make the person feel better and allow them to hear better.

  • Let your child bring to the hospital a beloved item, such as a blanket or stuffed animal, or an object to which they are bonded.
  • Inform them that you will be present for the process.

What can I expect from the procedure?

Prior to the operation

A surgeon who specializes in ear, nose, and throat illnesses performs the ventilation tube placement procedure.


The treatment is normally performed under general anesthesia, so the patient is not aware of anything during the procedure.

Many monitors are placed on the patient’s body by the surgical team to ensure that the patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen levels remain safe throughout the treatment. These monitors contain a blood pressure cuff on the arm and electrodes for a heart monitor linked to the chest.

During teh Surgery

Typically, the operation takes about 15 minutes. Surgeon:

  • With a small knife or laser, a small hole (incision) is made in the eardrum (myringotomy).
  • Fluids from the middle ear are suctioned.
  • Put the tube into the eardrum hole.

Following the Surgery

The patient will be taken to a recovery room following the surgery, where the medical team will monitor any issues from the procedure and anesthetic. If no issues arise, our patient will be able to return home within a few hours.

The patient is likely to be tired and irritated for the rest of the day, and the anesthetic may cause nausea. Patients typically resume normal activities after 24 hours of surgery.


  1. Following the insertion of the breathing tube, your doctor will advise you on follow-up treatment. Standard medical care comprises the following if there are no complications:
  2. A follow-up appointment will be made within 2-4 weeks of the operation. At that point, the patient’s ear, nose, and throat specialist (otolaryngologist) will confirm the tubes’ proper placement and function.
  3. Follow-up appointments with the patient’s ear, nose, and throat specialist or primary care doctor will be planned every 2-6 months.
  4. To avoid infection following surgery, antibiotic drops may be provided. Even if there is no drainage or other evidence of infection, take all drugs as indicated.
  5. If the patient experienced hearing loss prior to the treatment, the doctor will additionally schedule an audiometry test to evaluate hearing following the procedure.
  6. Unless your doctor advises otherwise, the patient may not need to wear earplugs while swimming or bathing.

When should I see a doctor?

The following are examples of urgent reasons for a patient to contact us outside of regular follow-up visits:

  • Yellow, brown, or red ear discharge that lasts more than a week.
  • Chronic pain, hearing issues, or balance issues

Results of the Tube Surgery

Ventilation tubes provide ear ventilation and drainage. The installation of a ventilation tube usually results in

  • Ear infections are less likely to occur.
  • Hearing that has been improved or restored Speech that has been improved
  • Behavior and sleep issues improve as a result of frequent or persistent ear infections.