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Nasal Tip Aesthetic

Nasal Tip Aesthetic and New Technologies

The drooping appearance at the tip of the nose gives people, both men and women, an older appearance. Some people sag due to genetics, while others sag due to aging or accidents. The tip of the nose, like other regions of the face, sags with age. A rhinoplasty to correct a sagging nasal tip can significantly improve your appearance and make you appear younger.

The issue with a drooping tip is that it makes us appear older, as do other flaws such as an arched nose. A low nasal tip, often known as a humped nose or an aquiline nose, is more common in people of North African and Middle Eastern heritage. These are two of the most prevalent issues addressed by rhinoplasty surgery.

Surgery for a Low Nasal Tip

A comprehensive evaluation by an expert is required prior to performing surgery for a low nasal tip. A thorough understanding of anatomy and cosmetic surgery is essential in these procedures, which will allow the nose to be repainted without leaving scars.


During the consultation, we examine each component of the patient’s nose tip structure. This initial stage is critical in determining the root of the problem and what has to be done to rectify and improve it. We usually employ open rhinoplasty because it provides us a better perspective and allows us to work more precisely. We can produce significant aesthetic improvements in this manner, making our patients feel happier and more comfortable with their appearance.

Results in a Low Nasal Tip After Rhinoplasty

It is critical to find a Plastic Surgeon with great experience in rhinoplasty to avoid the tip of the nose sagging after rhinoplasty. Many surgeons today will refuse to operate on patients who have received poor results from other surgeons.

A skilled specialist will thoroughly examine your case and check the characteristics of each section of your nose, including the bone base, cartilage, nasal septum, muscles, and skin. Individuals who go to an untrained plastic surgeon frequently require a second operation because the doctor was satisfied with performing what the patient desired or failed to identify the problem correctly, resulting in an incorrect remedy.

Other Surgeries

Many patients have a large nasal septum that they want to fix, or they are simply unhappy with its shape or size, rather than an issue with the tip of the nose. We can fix the look of the nose, improve the harmony of the face, and even address some respiratory problems with rhinoplasty.

What is the procedure for nose surgery?

After surgery, the patient is usually hospitalized for a day, and a cast or splint, as well as plugs, are inserted in the nostrils to prevent bleeding and maintain the nasal septum during the healing process.

The nose will stay bloated for the first few weeks, but this will progressively subside and definitive benefits will be seen during the second or third month.

We use cutting-edge technology to restructure the bone more precisely, increasing patient results and lowering post-operative risks and discomfort. We are replacing older, more aggressive, and less exact processes based on the use of files, hammers, and rasps with this modern breakthrough.

Our professional experience backs us up and enables us to demonstrate such great outcomes:


  • Avoid going with the simplest answer simply because it is the cheapest.
  • Each intervention must be completely customized, and occasionally more complicated solutions are required to produce the best results.
  • Contact our professional rhinoplasty specialist, who will be able to give you sound advice, dispel any questions, reassure you, and thoroughly explain your alternatives and the expected outcomes.

When is a rhinoplasty required?

In other circumstances, a full rhinoplasty is not required, but it is possible to fix the nose and give it an entirely new appearance by interfering in a specific area. This is the case with tip rhinoplasty, a relatively basic treatment that aims to improve or rectify the roundness of the nose’s tip.

Tip rhinoplasty is a treatment that enhances or corrects the form of the nose’s tip, which might have a rounded shape that makes the nose appear wide. This is known as a spherical nose, and it is usually produced by a genetic or ethnic feature, although it can also be caused by a congenital malformation.

There are many nasal structures that are suitable for this procedure. The following are the most common:


It is distinguished by a conspicuous point made of cartilage that protrudes above the rest of the nasal anatomy.

Large Nose

It has a very broad and strong cartilage. It dissolves with a small piece of cartilage.

Droopy Nose

The septum cartilage should be elevated and the nasal-labial angle adjusted to rectify this.

Nose Asymmetry

The goal is to rectify the cartilage and columella asymmetry. Often, cartilage or fat grafts are used.

Forked Nose

This is caused by the anterior alar cartilages of the nasal tip not fusing. Suturing the cartilages or grafting cartilage to the columella or straight to the tip of the nose is used to repair it.

All of these nasal components can be addressed quickly and easily with our nasal tip aesthetics, and the nose can be modified to match the facial features of each patient.

What Is Nose Tip Aesthetics?

Before doing any surgery, the specialized doctor must analyze the characteristics of the nose to be operated on in order to determine the problem and alternative solutions. Depending on the patient’s nasal anatomy, nasal tip aesthetics can be performed using an open or closed approach.

Because the same condition might be handled in several ways, the surgeon will consider various surgical options. When there are serious irregularities and malformations in the nose, or if the patient has had previous surgery, the open approach is usually used. This approach improves access to the nasal tip cartilages as well as visualization of the condition.

The area will be anesthetized and the patient will be sedated to avoid any discomfort. This ensures that the patient feels nothing and that the surgery goes off without a hitch.

How is the postoperative period?

Because this treatment causes less damage than a full rhinoplasty, the recovery period will be shorter, with less bruising and pain. This rhinoplasty does not require hospitalization and does not necessitate the use of a nasal splint.

After surgery, however, the physician will place a plaster cast on the tip of the nose, which will be removed in 4 or 5 days. It is also typical to experience some discomfort following surgery, but this can be eased by taking pain relievers orally. This discomfort should go away 72 hours following surgery.

Who is the optimal candidate?

Every person with the aforementioned nasal morphologies (hyperprojection, wide tip, drooping tip, deviated tip, or bifid tip) is a perfect candidate for this intervention, as long as they are in good enough health to enter the operating room. The surgeon will be in charge of evaluating the candidate’s health in order to approve the procedure.

Are the outcomes certain?

Rhinoplasty produces permanent results. After the procedure, and within a week or two, the complete results will be visible. As long as the patient does not suffer any impact or trauma to the nose, the nose will be permanently altered.