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Adenoid Treatment

When Adenoid Treatment (Adenoid) is Necessary?

Adenoids, also known as vegetations, are found right behind the nose on the inside of the face. Adenoidectomy is the surgical process for removing adenoids.

Adenoids are part of the body’s immune system, filtering out pathogens that try to infiltrate the body and aiding in the development of antibodies against infections. They are critical to a child’s growth in the first few years of life, but as the immune system matures, they become less necessary.

What  is adenoid (vegetation)?

Adenoids are masses of tissue near the back of the nasal canal, where the nose joins the throat. Although most people refer to them as “adenoids,” there is only one of them.

Adenoids are immune system cells. Our immune system aids in the battle against disease-causing microorganisms. Yet, because adenoids are only a small part of our immune system, children who have their adenoids (and even tonsils) removed do not get sicker than those who do not. In fact, after having their adenoids removed, some youngsters experience less ailments, such as recurring nose infections.

3 Most Common Adenoid Signs

  • Breathing through the mouth (especially at night).
  • Nasal congestion with continuous nasal mucous.
  • Ear infections are common.

What are the symptoms of adenoid enlargement?

A physical examination will be performed by your doctor. This includes inspecting the back of your throat. The adenoids will be examined using a mirrored endoscope by the doctor. The endoscope is a flexible, thin material. The endoscope will be inserted through the nose and into the back of the throat by the doctor. It could be unpleasant. It will not be uncomfortable.

If you have a stuffy nose, sore throat, or ear infection, you should notify your doctor. A blood test may be ordered by your doctor to determine whether you have an infection. A polysomnogram may also be ordered by your doctor to determine whether you have sleep apnea. This assists in determining whether adenoid enlargement is the source of your sleep problems.

Can adenoid enlargement be avoided or prevented?

Children frequently have swollen adenoids. It becomes less of an issue as people age. Immediate therapy for a sore throat or an ear infection can assist your doctor in determining the size of your adenoids. This could alleviate your discomfort.

What’s the distinction between a tonsillectomy, an adenotonsillectomy, and an adenoidectomy?

  • Tonsillectomy is when only your tonsils are removed.
  • Adenotonsillectomy is the surgical removal of the adenoids and tonsils.
  • Adenoidectomy refers to the removal of only your adenoids.

Adenoids and tonsils are tiny tissue lumps that aid in the battle against infections in the ear, nose, and throat. Adenoids are found where the neck and the back of the nose meet. Tonsils are located behind the throat, one on each side.

  • Adenoids and tonsils can get infected and inflamed during a cold or throat infection, resulting in symptoms such as a stuffy nose, sore throat, and fever.
  • May also clog the airways, making breathing difficult, particularly while sleeping.
  • Swollen adenoids or tonsils can cause short-term shortness of breath when sleeping in more extreme cases. This is known as sleep apnea.

Adenoids that are swollen might potentially clog the Eustachian tubes (tubes that connect the back of the throat to the middle of the ear). This can result in ear infections and a fluid accumulation in the ear known as glue ear. This can result in hearing problems and, as a result, learning impairments.

If you have trouble sleeping due to a blocked nose, or if you have recurring and severe sore throats and ear infections, your doctor may suggest an adenotonsillectomy. Alternately, your doctor may advise you to have your tonsils or adenoids removed (tonsillectomy).

Tonsillectomy is most commonly performed on children, however it can also be performed on adults.

Stages of Adenoid Surgery

The hospitalization for adenoid surgery is brief. As a result, staying in the hospital for only one day is frequently sufficient.

  • The vegetations are removed using a surgical method that is conducted under general anesthesia.
  • The procedure is usually painless.
  • The procedure takes between 20 and 30 minutes.
  • Patients typically present to their doctor with nasal congestion and large volumes of mucous.
  • Although the adenoids are positioned in the rear of the nasal canal, they are removed through the mouth, leaving no apparent scarring.
  • Children who have their tonsils or adenoids removed do not lose their resistance to infection, according to several studies, because other lymphatic tissues in the body take over the role of the removed ones.

The term “adenoidectomy” refers to this procedure. ENT surgeons (ear, nose, and throat surgeons) are the surgeons who execute the surgery under general anesthesia in the operating room. Unlike tonsils, the surgeon cannot remove all of the adenoid tissue from the back of the throat and nose, so it may regrow and cause discomfort. Nonetheless, it is not uncommon for a child to require a second adenoid removal.

Is Adenoid Surgery Effective in Treating Snoring?

Although removing the adenoids may help to lessen snoring, it may not fully remove it.

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring is the loud breathing through the lips and nose during sleeping. It happens when air does not travel adequately through the airways or when the soft tissues or muscles that it passes through vibrate. When your tonsils or adenoids get inflamed, they can constrict your airways and cause you to snore at night. Yet, snoring can be caused by a variety of factors.

Congestion of the sinuses

If you get colds or allergies frequently, your nose may become stuffy, itchy, and runny. Inflammation can also occur in the linings of your nose and throat. This disrupts sleep and raises the chances of snoring.

Smoking can be active or passive. Cigarette smoke can irritate the nose and throat, increasing the likelihood of snoring.

Sleeping posture

When you sleep on your back, your tongue tends to lie against your throat, restricting the passage of air and increasing the likelihood of snoring.


Snoring is more likely if you are overweight.

Pediatric Adenoid Surgery

Your doctor may propose removing your child’s adenoids for a variety of reasons, including

Breathing Assistance

If the adenoids are swollen, to help children breathe and sleep better. They can partially restrict your child’s breathing if they are too large, resulting in snoring, restlessness during sleep, and general sleep issues.

Treatment of ear infections and to avoid chronic fluid buildup in the middle ear

Adenoids are positioned near the Eustachian tube entrance at the back of the nasal canal and, if big or diseased, can cause the Eustachian tube to fail to execute its job effectively. Ear infections and fluid buildup are less likely once adenoids are removed.

Chronic Nasal Infections

Recurrent sinus infections are a less prevalent cause. Recurrent nose infections with thick, greenish or yellowish mucus affect some children. Occasionally medications help, but sometimes the mucous returns after the antibiotics are discontinued. This is an indication of a chronic adenoid infection. Although removing the adenoids can help with this issue, it can not prevent colds or other conditions that produce a runny nose.